“What a little bit can do with Jesus.”
“Andrew said to him, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many people?...Then Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks, he distributed them... so also the fish” John 6:9,11
Dear friends in Christ,
There were five thousand people following Jesus who needed to be fed. When they checked the great crowd for food supplies, all they could find was a young boy’s lunch of 5 barley loaves and two fish. You do the math. They do not seem like very much. But you are missing something, someone, if that is all you see in this picture. Jesus is present. With a childlike faith, he brought the fish and loaves to Jesus. And He touched them and blessed them and the boy for sharing. And everything God touches with his Word and promises is mysteriously transformed. Like the water in baptism that, when combined with God’s promises, conveys God’s promises of forgiveness and life. Or the bread and wine of Holy Communion that becomes his body and blood so now the bread and the fish are multiplied.
With God it is never about the numbers, but the faith entrusted in him. For with Jesus all things are possible. St. Paul wrote, “I have learned what it is to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have a little and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well fed and of being in need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” No matter what comes through that door, the door of our lives, faith believes that God can and is going to get us through.
The Broadway musical, “Come from Away” tells the remarkable story of September 11, 2001. Fearing further attacks using jets and their fuel as weapons, all air space over American was closed. Thirty-eight planes were diverted to the small town of Gander in Newfoundland, Canada. Airline pilots were ordered to land at the large airport located there where planes once refueled on their journey from America to Europe. Gander’s population in 2001 numbered 11,254. They housed, fed, entertained and helped
more than 7,000 stranded passengers from around the world.
They became a powerful example of what a small group of people can do when they bring what they have to the table for the sake of others and to be used by Jesus to make a difference.
Jesus feeding of the 5,000 is our focus at worship these first weeks of August. What joy that Our Saviors’ chicken BBQ, our chief fund raiser, is August 10th. We will be serving 1,100 meals. The proceeds will go toward helping to pay the mortgage on this beautiful church where each week we share the word of God and receive the sacraments, each other’s presence, and support. Let’s share the party. Sell or purchase your chicken BBQ tickets or give them away to friends and neighbors. Let’s share the party. We will also take a special offering to help feed hungry people through Lutheran World Hunger so set something extra aside.
You may think that you only have a little. Do you suppose the boy had any reservations about sharing his lunch with Jesus? He brought himself to Jesus and then let him do the rest. Bring yourself and what you have to Jesus. Give thanks and ask him to bless it, then to bless you. Reread St. Paul’s words. That we can face every circumstance with Jesus who is our strength. It is amazing what a large or a little can do when we bring it to our Lord.
Then let’s share the party. Invite someone to worship with you at Our Savior’s. Tell them about the good news broadcast and hit the share button. We dare not exclude the people that God has included. Could you imagine this boy’s joy as he watched Jesus take what he gave to him? Then saw what Jesus could do as he fed 5,000 people with his lunch of bread and fish!
In his love,
Pastor Dave.
Q: What do chickens grow on their farms?
A: Egg-plants!
I have just ordered a chicken and an egg on
Amazon today. I will finally find out which one
comes first. ☺
May God bless Our Savior’s and the Chicken BBQ with great weather, a desire to give God and others our best, joyfully work together, a vision to leave a legacy in this building and invite others, “Come to the party.”
+ Thank you for the help and support and kindness of our friends and neighbors.
+ May God’s presence be with friends and bring healing, strength and guidance to....
A child who just finished a round of Chemo.
A friend recovering from surgery.
A friend battling cancer.
Friends battling Covid
Friends with dementia, the families who support them
A friend receiving kidney dialyses
A friend seeking a job.
That God comfort all who mourn.
Help Our Savior’s to find another great janitor.
In the hot weather, give us patience.
In the face of a spirit that seeks to escalate war and conflict, we pray for God’s gift of peace found placing faith in Christ and loving God and our neighbor.
On giving our tithes and offerings....
The annual Chicken BBQ and auction, the gifts of your offerings and hard work are needed to help pay the mortgage on our Father’s house.
…We have a job for everyone.
First, we want to thank you for your support of Our Savior’s in giving your generous tithes and offerings of thanks to God to the general fund and your gifts to the building fund that help pay the building mortgage.
We have the mortgage to pay. The good news is that every member and friend of any age can help to pay for it by working at the Chicken BBQ. You can donate an item or service to the fall auction. You may not be able to pay off the principal balance that began at $1,550,000 in 2006 and is now $368,818 on July 2024. But you can sell or purchase or donate a gift in kind for your dinner tickets. You can work to prepare, cook and serve the meal, sell tickets or direct traffic then stay to help clean up on August 10th. You can turn in a great fall auction item. You can pray with us that God would bless the energy, our work and service that will make the difference. We’ve placed a list of jobs and a BBQ schedule on the opposite page (see page 3) and in the church narthex. Decide where you would like to serve. Call or e-mail the church office and we can help guide you to where you are needed. We have a place for you. We have a job for everyone.
We have this beautiful building and grounds in which to worship God and carry out this ministry of sharing Christ and His love in word and sacrament, Sunday School and Confirmation, praying and serving the Our Savior’s family and friends living in the greater Fox Valley Community. We have the mortgage to pay on our Father’s house. Thank you for your help and prayers as we join
together in this fun and challenging day. Thank you for caring and helping to pay for it.
Volunteers needed and appreciated.
1. While we search for a church janitor, we have to clean the church. Come on Thursdays at 9:00, or any time you are available, to dust, vacuum, mop floors and wash the front windows and leave with a sense of pride. Thank you cleaners for doing an awesome job caring for Our Father’s House.
2. Thank you Our Savior’s. You delivered meals on wheels to seniors in July.
3. Thank you lawn mowers- the yard is like a park!
+ Sunday Coffee Hour- follows 9:30 worship
We invite you to share a cup of coffee, water, juice and a cookie or donut with us in the dining hall. Thanks for hitting the basket with a gift to cover expenses
Sunday School News
The turning of the calendar page reminds us that the start of school is just weeks away, followed by Sunday School on September 15. Our theme is “Great Moments of Faith”. We have so much to share and are looking forward to an exciting year!
You ask, “Is there any way I can help?” Of course there is! Just call Joan at 815-786-2622 or the church office at 815-786-6406 and let Ann know that you want to be a part of a great team. Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Sunday School Calendar 2024 – 2025
September 15 – October 13: “Exodus and 10 Commandments – The Great Escape”
October 20 – November 24: “The Prophet of Compassion – One on One with Elisha”
December 1, 8, 15, January 5, 12: “Miracles of Jesus – The Miracle Worker”
(Christmas break December 22 and 29)
January 19 – February 23: “The Two Great Commandments – All You Need is Love”
March 2 – March 30: “Passover to Communion – Delivered by God”
April 6 – May 18: “Gentiles Too – One Lord of All” (April 20: Easter Sunday, No Sunday School)
Confirmation Class begins Wednesday, September 11.