January 2025 Lightshine
Celebrate the child
“Now when all the people were baptized and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven. “You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.” Luke 3:21, 22
“Sometimes, God, I feel like a failure In everyone’s eyes but yours.”
“Dear child, be glad it isn’t reversed.”
Dear friends in Christ,
Luke begins Jesus’ baptism in an unexpected place. Jesus had already been baptized in union with all people who turn toward God in repentance. It is during his prayer that the heavens were opened, and the Spirit and Dove descended upon him. This is Jesus’ inauguration and God’s anointing of the King who fulfills Scriptures promises. God’s voice announces the identity of his “Beloved Son”. This is the beginning of Jesus’ reign announced by the angel to shepherds at his birth. God affirming words speak of his love for His Son Jesus.
Have you noticed how affirming words build up, encourage, just make us feel better. They confirm what we see in this person and their God given gifts and abilities. Love is kind. If we want to communicate love we must include kind words and gestures. They are a genuine expression of what we believe and feel. Love doesn’t keep a score of wrongs. It doesn’t focus on past failures or bad habits. For none of us is perfect. We are sinful and often self-centered. We do not always do or say the best or right thing. Sometimes our words and actions are hurtful. Why do we hurt the ones we love most? We cannot erase the past. We can only confess it and agree that what we said or did was wrong and in humility say. “I’m sorry.” We can pray asking that God would help us change. Having confessed my failure and asked forgiveness. I can do nothing more to mitigate the hurt I may have caused the beloved. There is another choice. I can seek justice and strike out. I can pay back in kind or make the other pay. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I can make myself the judge but then intimacy flees. But if I choose to forgive, the walls of anger and hurt can come down. Fresh air can begin to flow empowering and growing relationships. That doesn’t make me weak but someone who chooses to live in my love. Love includes forgiveness. It is what God has chosen to do with our sin. In baptism I am washed in God’s forgiveness and made completely pure and innocent in God’s eyes. We become God’s beloved child and live in a new relationship of trusting faith.
Every child is precious to God. We shared some precious faith milestones in the lives of some of Our Savior’s family in December. Ms. Valerie Powell affirmed the vows of her baptism. Her family filled the pew for this special day. Val is smart, caring, knows her way around the Bible often helping “Newbies” find a Bible verse. She has several beautiful, interesting and talented sisters. One day I made the mistake of calling her by one of their names. I could see the hurt on her face and quickly apologized. Jackson Ross and Kelsen Erickson and I studied the sacrament. We celebrated their first communion with family. Florence Sebby had a birthday. Only a fool asks a woman her age. We honored her at coffee after worship. Sadly, we had to say “good by” to one of Our Savior’s finest, Julia Berg. She attended the Saturday night worship and was a committed confirmation mentor for over 15 years. Every Wednesday she came to class to help the students grow in faith and shared her wisdom, Bible knowledge and “sassy” spirit. She wouldn’t tell you, but her life was not easy. God gave to her a very caring mother. Julia rose to face each day’s joys and challenges first sitting at the kitchen table beneath her favorite picture reading her Bible and praying. She made beautiful dolls and sold them in her shop. If you were her friend. You were a friend for life. She said that Our Savior’s was her church home. She was very generous. One year she paid the whole bill for the seal coating and striping of the church parking lot with her once a year annuity check. She made the most amazing mouthwatering “Patitsa” - cinnamon, crushed walnuts, butter (lots of butter) and flour, yeast at Christmas or your birthday. Full of insight and blessed with a living faith, I enjoyed studying the Bible and praying with her. She prayed every day that her spouse Al would place faith in Jesus and be baptized. He resisted. Diagnosed with terminal cancer and nearing the end of his life, he asked Julia if I would come to the house and baptize him. Julia and I celebrated that day as Alan found peace with God. Christmas makes children of us all. I hope that Santa left you more than a lump of coal and pray that God would bless you with his gifts of faith, hope and love in the new year. All children are precious to God. We are God’s beloved children since our baptism in Christ.
In His love, P. Dave
PRAYERS FOR the New Year…
Dear Father in heaven, as we begin 2025, help me to remember Jesus words, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them will bear much fruit, apart from me, you can do nothing. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love. St. Paul said love is your greatest gift. It is what can transform and change the human heart and our relationships with You and one another. Over time it will bring enlightening understanding and healing forgiveness. Love informs and energizes all that is around us and blesses all that lies ahead. May the Holy Spirit and your love abide in me and guide me as I place my trust in you. Amen
Prayers of thanks for...
+ the spirit of Christmas joy reflected in music and the lives of all God’s children.
Healing and continued strength for...
+ a friend recovering from hip surgery
+ a friend on dialysis.
+ a friend diagnosed with cancer.
+ friends and their families facing the challenges of dementia.
+ a friend who moved to assisted care.
+ a friend has returned to live at home.
+ thank you for gifts of support and encouragement for friends who are recovering from a house fire.
Blessed are those who mourn…
+ we are thankful and blessed for sharing the lives of Kathy Horn and Lois Burkhart. Both were caring mothers who loved their families and had a strong faith in God. Kathy was a tremendous cook. She taught her girls to always give their best to every challenge and to place their faith in God. Ms. Burkhart believed in God and stressed the need to pray. Some things in life are too big for us to handle alone and must be entrusted with God. When her spouse died suddenly. She became a widow with 7 children to raise. It was also hard when she couldn’t drive any more. But the most difficult challenge was losing her eyesight. Each time God helped and got her through.
+ We are thankful for sharing the life and faith of Julia Berg. We pray Gods comfort for her family and Our Saviors as we mourn our loss and give thanks for her life.
+ We pray for peace.
+ May God continue to lead and bless Our Savior’s capital campaign to raise the money needed to pay off the church mortgage and replacing the sanctuary furnace.
And give thanks that God wouldn’t give us the challenge if he didn’t have a way for us to address it.
Some important highlights in 2024 with thanks...
1- Thank you God and Our Savior’s Family and friends for a beautiful Christmas Eve 2024 worship... “Run to the manger”. We were encouraged to pray, “God may I never be content to be an echo of my environment but be an echo of Christ’s amazing love”. Christmas Eve/New Years at Our Savior’s includes music, singing, communion, the presence of family and friends. All came to celebrate Christmas Eve. Pianist/organist Ann Chen played beautiful music. We sang familiar Christmas carols. We lit candles while singing the pinnacle hymn of Christmas, “Silent Night.” On Christmas day, Joan and I and Mallory, our new 5-year-old golden retriever, returned to record “Christmas Morning at Our Savior’s”, ring Our Savior’s bell and read the Christmas story as 4,500 viewers plus joined us celebrating Christmas.
2- I am grateful for the music played by Our Savior’s pianists/organists Ann Chen, Abe Mogee and new to Our Savior’s Nika Morton and Connie Hanson. I and Our Savior’s will miss Carol and Ron Hill. Thank goodness Judy Heller is still here.
3- Good to see old friends coming back to Our Savior’s worship and welcoming new friends.
4- The Live Nativity began introducing Mary and Joseph, Angel Gabriel and angels, Shepherd and Magi. Lynn Olson had us dressed in costumes to the max. She found new wings for the angels. Then His story came alive with real people, horses, sheep and stable and music. People commented how this years ‘Live Nativity” really moved them and became a spiritual experience. The cookies and hot chocolate were delicious. Families look forward to being part of it and be on site to see it every year.
5- The two 2024 auctions and BBQ received a needed boost in energy and giving. The auction items are always outstanding, and this once-a-year food prepared by Our Savior’s own is delicious. The BBQ and auction have played a very important place in the life of Our Saviors. The whole congregation goes to work for a great cause to raise money needed to pay off the mortgage and the kaput furnace. Who would think this simple chicken meal and auction for the last 41 years, along with our giving a regular offering to the building fund, has brought us this close to the promised land of paying off the mortgage. We are grateful for everyone’s sacrifice, hard work, great leadership and prayers that God would bless us. And if you don’t think the auction is great, Joan and I received 2 dozen of Jeanne Hohmann’s Kringla at Christmas. I commented to her son Tom how much we enjoyed it. He said that at the family Christmas, they have to fight to get one. He thought he would have to start bidding at the O.S. auction so he could have some for himself!
6- We are changing insurance companies. The Selective premium increased 25%. O.S. Eric Swanson confirmed that size increase was out of line. That we should seek quotes from additional insurance companies. We did and found a great company, comparable insurance and lowered the bill to something Our Savior’s could afford. (Ann Hagemann works so hard for us!)
7- Sunday School is important as we ask the question, “In today’s challenging world, will our children have faith?” The answer is “Yes”. It continues to grow at Our Savior’s in our Sunday School and Confirmation programs. We have excellent leadership, teachers, students and share Bible based material and interesting workshops. We care
about each student. Thank you Joan K, Sharon B, Cindy F., our teachers and students. We will miss confirmation mentor Julia Berg. She loved Jesus and being with our teens. Her concern for others, prayers and support of “yours truly” will be missed.
8- We want to grow Our Savior’s ministry. Would you be part of a Lenten Choir? What about a monthly youth and family event? Would you be part of a “Good news” Bible Study?” There are too many terrible things happening in our world. We need the support of the Bible and one another’s faith. Tell us when you can meet.
9- I am so thankful for our volunteer Thursday janitors. While we seek a janitor, they go to work each week for about 2 hours cleaning the bathrooms, sanctuary and narthex, even the dining hall, doing what all of us should be doing: Cleaning the church. Whenever I can, I join them and enjoy being with them and the church looks great! What about you? Find a place where you can volunteer in Our Savior’s ministry: clean, usher, greet, teach, ring the bell, help at coffee hour, mow the yard, shovel snow. This all starts with coming to worship and catching a vision of what faith in Christ means. Participate. Christ and you have so much to share.
10- Worship is the place where faith grows. Here God’s love comes to us in word and sacrament, sins are forgiven, lives are restored, and friendships are formed. Our Savior’s worship Saturday at 5:30 and Sunday at 9:30 and “Live” Good news broadcast is in its 5th year and continues to grow. This is a very special and important ministry as each week over 1000 “viewers” of church members, neighbors, friends throughout America join in O.S. worship of God and hearing some good news on the Our Savior’s Facebook page. To God be the glory. P. Dave
11- At coffee hour on December 29th, we celebrated Florence Sabby’s 98th birthday. Come on, when the last time you and I could do that? Flo is a special woman. We love her. People are what matters most to God. Happy Birthday
O.S. Sanctuary furnace is kaput after 19 years of good service. “I guess we’ll need a bigger jug in the narthex.”
There is a story of a family who had to take out a bank loan/mortgage to purchase a farm. To make the payments the family lived simply and ate a lot of gruel, a thin, cooked cereal made from boiling grains like oats, cornmeal or rice in water or milk. It’s a type of porridge that’s more like a drink. They dreamt of the day when the loan was paid off and they could eat good meals again.
That day finally arrived; the loan was paid in full. But that night a neighbor’s barn caught on fire. They lost everything. The family was faced with a hard decision. They could continue to sacrifice and help their neighbor keep the farm. That would mean eating gruel for a period
of time. Or, they could keep the money and begin their new life? Dad said, “We’ll eat more gruel!”
If you attended worship or watched the good news broadcast on January 12, you know that after 19 years the O.S. sanctuary furnace/air conditioner is KAPUT (utterly finished, defeated, destroyed!). We called RMG who has provided O.S. heating and cooling service. They reported finding some serious problems. (See the picture.) There are major holes and rusted metal, the gas blowers had shifted, they don’t make them anymore, one of two condensers hasn’t worked for three years. Parts are obsolete for a 19-year-old furnace. He thought it was best to give thanks the furnace lasted this long providing heat and air conditioning. Better to invest the $8,000 repair in a new furnace that will provide years of reliable service, and a warranty. The estimated cost of a new furnace/air conditioner and installation, electric is between $39,000 to $42,000. This is urgent. There are fire prevention sprinkler pipes in the sanctuary that will burst if they freeze. Work should begin next week, on ~1/22 depending upon York’s delivery schedule. We will continue to monitor sanctuary temps and use fans to blow heat into the sanctuary from the narthex furnaces and use electric heaters. RMG told us to conserve heat keep the front doors closed and enter through “the catacombs” side door.
Faith believes that God never gives us more than we can handle and will provide a way through. The capital campaign to pay off the building mortgage in 2025 is going well with gifts and promise/pledges. (See next article) We will add the additional cost of the new furnace to the capital campaign. We ask that everyone pray and consider giving a generous gift or promise gift of $10,000, $5,000, $2,500, $1,000, $500, $100 or any amount you can afford to the capital campaign and designate it “furnace”.
People are generous about helping in times of need. Would you help O.S. get the word out that Our Savior’s Church in Sandwich, II. furnace is kaput! Would you please help us buy a new one? Thank you for sharing a gift of any amount.” We’ll post this on Our Savior’s Facebook page. Short of selling an indulgence granting days out of purgatory and making Luther turn over in his grave, I can’t think of another way. Sumu oranges are out. The sun will rise tomorrow. We can do this! A friend said, “I guess we’ll need a bigger jug in the narthex!” Thank you.
Our Savior’s Capital Campaign to help pay off the mortgage in 2025 and the new sanctuary furnace is on.
We are making great progress in our goal to pay off the remaining balance on our church building mortgage and now add paying for the new sanctuary furnace. In December we received gifts totaling $130,250 and promises are coming in each week. Thank you. That’s
amazing! We invite you to join us in giving a generous gift or making a gift promise/promise or memorial gift or making a charitable contribution to Our Savior’s of up to $105,000 from your 2025 RMD or a gift of any amount. Every dollar and gift brings us closer to our goal. Pray and watch for Our Savior’s Capital Campaign Letter in the mail.
A friend’s helpful reflections on coping with grief in the passing of her spouse.
Friends have a big way of shaping our lives and helping us deal with life’s ups and downs. A good friend recently wrote to tell us about her life, and the difficulty of her spouse passing.
I told had her that she had a mountain to climb. That grief was a difficult journey. She said that unless you have gone through it you can’t understand the depth of loneliness, emptiness and feelings of hopelessness. Hopeless because you can’t do anything about it. I’m not sure that I will ever reach the top of that mountain. Not sure if I want to as I don’t want to forget my loved one. Grief never ends. But you learn how to deal with it. And it gets somewhat easier, not as raw as the first couple of years, but it’s always there. He is always on my mind and in my heart. Tears are still always nearby. One day as I backed out of the driveway of our home- I said to myself- this is the loneliest place on earth. I miss seeing him in the yard; So hard to come home to an empty house. I escape the house every day, and go for a walk, sometimes at Walmart, Menards or in the summer the streets of our community. Home is also a comfort. More to come.
Paul says, “In everything God works for good with those who love him.” Romans 8:28. It is not that everything is good, but we can take comfort that God is good and is working for good in them and with us. Paul tells us or a thorn in the flesh. He calls it a messenger from Satan and prays to be rid of it. Yet he thanks God for revealing in it that “my grace is sufficient for you.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. This is our best comfort- that in everything, good and bad, God is working for good. He uses our sin to lead us to his mercy. Our illness brings us to trust his strength. Death will usher us into new life. But we do not thank God for sin, sickness or death. We thank God for God.
Comfort us now God with the assurance of your love and the creative possibilities of your might revealed in Jesus.
We want to thank you for your support of this ministry.
Offering envelopes for 2025 are in the narthex.
1- You can bring your tithes and offerings to worship or the church office.
2- Mail your offering to Our Savior’s, 2465 West Sandwich Road, Sd., Il, 60548
3- Give your offering electronically by going to the Our Savior’s Web page at www.our-saviors.com. Click on the donate button. Thank you for helping us to share God’s love with you and bring the joy and peace of his Kingdom to others
Dear Kids,
Do you know any songs that have the word LOVE in them? Write down a few:
Your mom or dad may know of a song by one of the first rock bands Beatles called “All You
Need Is Love.” (It’s an OLD song. Ask your parents if they are OLDER than that song.)
Jesus lived more than 1,900 years before that song was written. Here’s the really
interesting thing…Jesus basically said the same thing!
Come to Sunday school to find out what Jesus said in our rotational unit called:
“All You Need Is Love! The Two Great Commandments”
The dates for this unit are: January 19 – February 16 at 9:30 on Sunday morning. The workshops are: Art, Prayer Chain, Dance, Prayer, and Worship.
One of these workshops will be just like going to a RESTAURANT! You will get to order stuff off a menu.
See you Sunday!
Mission Project: Diapers Needed!
In our Mission workshop we heard the stories of the woman who touched Jesus and Jarius’ daughter. We saw that through Jesus’ miracles, God can change what seems unchangeable, giving new purpose and hope and learned that both the woman and Jarius put their faith into action and reached out to Jesus. In order to have a complete faith, faith needs to be put into action! The Sunday school children decided to put their faith into action by collecting disposable diapers for the those in need to be distributed by the Diaper Closet in Sandwich. Will you help us!? All sizes of disposable diapers are needed, especially sizes 4-7. There will be a box in the narthex for your donation. Thank you for making the mission project a success and helping families in need
Celebrate the child
“Now when all the people were baptized and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven. “You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.” Luke 3:21, 22
“Sometimes, God, I feel like a failure In everyone’s eyes but yours.”
“Dear child, be glad it isn’t reversed.”
Dear friends in Christ,
Luke begins Jesus’ baptism in an unexpected place. Jesus had already been baptized in union with all people who turn toward God in repentance. It is during his prayer that the heavens were opened, and the Spirit and Dove descended upon him. This is Jesus’ inauguration and God’s anointing of the King who fulfills Scriptures promises. God’s voice announces the identity of his “Beloved Son”. This is the beginning of Jesus’ reign announced by the angel to shepherds at his birth. God affirming words speak of his love for His Son Jesus.
Have you noticed how affirming words build up, encourage, just make us feel better. They confirm what we see in this person and their God given gifts and abilities. Love is kind. If we want to communicate love we must include kind words and gestures. They are a genuine expression of what we believe and feel. Love doesn’t keep a score of wrongs. It doesn’t focus on past failures or bad habits. For none of us is perfect. We are sinful and often self-centered. We do not always do or say the best or right thing. Sometimes our words and actions are hurtful. Why do we hurt the ones we love most? We cannot erase the past. We can only confess it and agree that what we said or did was wrong and in humility say. “I’m sorry.” We can pray asking that God would help us change. Having confessed my failure and asked forgiveness. I can do nothing more to mitigate the hurt I may have caused the beloved. There is another choice. I can seek justice and strike out. I can pay back in kind or make the other pay. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I can make myself the judge but then intimacy flees. But if I choose to forgive, the walls of anger and hurt can come down. Fresh air can begin to flow empowering and growing relationships. That doesn’t make me weak but someone who chooses to live in my love. Love includes forgiveness. It is what God has chosen to do with our sin. In baptism I am washed in God’s forgiveness and made completely pure and innocent in God’s eyes. We become God’s beloved child and live in a new relationship of trusting faith.
Every child is precious to God. We shared some precious faith milestones in the lives of some of Our Savior’s family in December. Ms. Valerie Powell affirmed the vows of her baptism. Her family filled the pew for this special day. Val is smart, caring, knows her way around the Bible often helping “Newbies” find a Bible verse. She has several beautiful, interesting and talented sisters. One day I made the mistake of calling her by one of their names. I could see the hurt on her face and quickly apologized. Jackson Ross and Kelsen Erickson and I studied the sacrament. We celebrated their first communion with family. Florence Sebby had a birthday. Only a fool asks a woman her age. We honored her at coffee after worship. Sadly, we had to say “good by” to one of Our Savior’s finest, Julia Berg. She attended the Saturday night worship and was a committed confirmation mentor for over 15 years. Every Wednesday she came to class to help the students grow in faith and shared her wisdom, Bible knowledge and “sassy” spirit. She wouldn’t tell you, but her life was not easy. God gave to her a very caring mother. Julia rose to face each day’s joys and challenges first sitting at the kitchen table beneath her favorite picture reading her Bible and praying. She made beautiful dolls and sold them in her shop. If you were her friend. You were a friend for life. She said that Our Savior’s was her church home. She was very generous. One year she paid the whole bill for the seal coating and striping of the church parking lot with her once a year annuity check. She made the most amazing mouthwatering “Patitsa” - cinnamon, crushed walnuts, butter (lots of butter) and flour, yeast at Christmas or your birthday. Full of insight and blessed with a living faith, I enjoyed studying the Bible and praying with her. She prayed every day that her spouse Al would place faith in Jesus and be baptized. He resisted. Diagnosed with terminal cancer and nearing the end of his life, he asked Julia if I would come to the house and baptize him. Julia and I celebrated that day as Alan found peace with God. Christmas makes children of us all. I hope that Santa left you more than a lump of coal and pray that God would bless you with his gifts of faith, hope and love in the new year. All children are precious to God. We are God’s beloved children since our baptism in Christ.
In His love, P. Dave
PRAYERS FOR the New Year…
Dear Father in heaven, as we begin 2025, help me to remember Jesus words, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them will bear much fruit, apart from me, you can do nothing. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love. St. Paul said love is your greatest gift. It is what can transform and change the human heart and our relationships with You and one another. Over time it will bring enlightening understanding and healing forgiveness. Love informs and energizes all that is around us and blesses all that lies ahead. May the Holy Spirit and your love abide in me and guide me as I place my trust in you. Amen
Prayers of thanks for...
+ the spirit of Christmas joy reflected in music and the lives of all God’s children.
Healing and continued strength for...
+ a friend recovering from hip surgery
+ a friend on dialysis.
+ a friend diagnosed with cancer.
+ friends and their families facing the challenges of dementia.
+ a friend who moved to assisted care.
+ a friend has returned to live at home.
+ thank you for gifts of support and encouragement for friends who are recovering from a house fire.
Blessed are those who mourn…
+ we are thankful and blessed for sharing the lives of Kathy Horn and Lois Burkhart. Both were caring mothers who loved their families and had a strong faith in God. Kathy was a tremendous cook. She taught her girls to always give their best to every challenge and to place their faith in God. Ms. Burkhart believed in God and stressed the need to pray. Some things in life are too big for us to handle alone and must be entrusted with God. When her spouse died suddenly. She became a widow with 7 children to raise. It was also hard when she couldn’t drive any more. But the most difficult challenge was losing her eyesight. Each time God helped and got her through.
+ We are thankful for sharing the life and faith of Julia Berg. We pray Gods comfort for her family and Our Saviors as we mourn our loss and give thanks for her life.
+ We pray for peace.
+ May God continue to lead and bless Our Savior’s capital campaign to raise the money needed to pay off the church mortgage and replacing the sanctuary furnace.
And give thanks that God wouldn’t give us the challenge if he didn’t have a way for us to address it.
Some important highlights in 2024 with thanks...
1- Thank you God and Our Savior’s Family and friends for a beautiful Christmas Eve 2024 worship... “Run to the manger”. We were encouraged to pray, “God may I never be content to be an echo of my environment but be an echo of Christ’s amazing love”. Christmas Eve/New Years at Our Savior’s includes music, singing, communion, the presence of family and friends. All came to celebrate Christmas Eve. Pianist/organist Ann Chen played beautiful music. We sang familiar Christmas carols. We lit candles while singing the pinnacle hymn of Christmas, “Silent Night.” On Christmas day, Joan and I and Mallory, our new 5-year-old golden retriever, returned to record “Christmas Morning at Our Savior’s”, ring Our Savior’s bell and read the Christmas story as 4,500 viewers plus joined us celebrating Christmas.
2- I am grateful for the music played by Our Savior’s pianists/organists Ann Chen, Abe Mogee and new to Our Savior’s Nika Morton and Connie Hanson. I and Our Savior’s will miss Carol and Ron Hill. Thank goodness Judy Heller is still here.
3- Good to see old friends coming back to Our Savior’s worship and welcoming new friends.
4- The Live Nativity began introducing Mary and Joseph, Angel Gabriel and angels, Shepherd and Magi. Lynn Olson had us dressed in costumes to the max. She found new wings for the angels. Then His story came alive with real people, horses, sheep and stable and music. People commented how this years ‘Live Nativity” really moved them and became a spiritual experience. The cookies and hot chocolate were delicious. Families look forward to being part of it and be on site to see it every year.
5- The two 2024 auctions and BBQ received a needed boost in energy and giving. The auction items are always outstanding, and this once-a-year food prepared by Our Savior’s own is delicious. The BBQ and auction have played a very important place in the life of Our Saviors. The whole congregation goes to work for a great cause to raise money needed to pay off the mortgage and the kaput furnace. Who would think this simple chicken meal and auction for the last 41 years, along with our giving a regular offering to the building fund, has brought us this close to the promised land of paying off the mortgage. We are grateful for everyone’s sacrifice, hard work, great leadership and prayers that God would bless us. And if you don’t think the auction is great, Joan and I received 2 dozen of Jeanne Hohmann’s Kringla at Christmas. I commented to her son Tom how much we enjoyed it. He said that at the family Christmas, they have to fight to get one. He thought he would have to start bidding at the O.S. auction so he could have some for himself!
6- We are changing insurance companies. The Selective premium increased 25%. O.S. Eric Swanson confirmed that size increase was out of line. That we should seek quotes from additional insurance companies. We did and found a great company, comparable insurance and lowered the bill to something Our Savior’s could afford. (Ann Hagemann works so hard for us!)
7- Sunday School is important as we ask the question, “In today’s challenging world, will our children have faith?” The answer is “Yes”. It continues to grow at Our Savior’s in our Sunday School and Confirmation programs. We have excellent leadership, teachers, students and share Bible based material and interesting workshops. We care
about each student. Thank you Joan K, Sharon B, Cindy F., our teachers and students. We will miss confirmation mentor Julia Berg. She loved Jesus and being with our teens. Her concern for others, prayers and support of “yours truly” will be missed.
8- We want to grow Our Savior’s ministry. Would you be part of a Lenten Choir? What about a monthly youth and family event? Would you be part of a “Good news” Bible Study?” There are too many terrible things happening in our world. We need the support of the Bible and one another’s faith. Tell us when you can meet.
9- I am so thankful for our volunteer Thursday janitors. While we seek a janitor, they go to work each week for about 2 hours cleaning the bathrooms, sanctuary and narthex, even the dining hall, doing what all of us should be doing: Cleaning the church. Whenever I can, I join them and enjoy being with them and the church looks great! What about you? Find a place where you can volunteer in Our Savior’s ministry: clean, usher, greet, teach, ring the bell, help at coffee hour, mow the yard, shovel snow. This all starts with coming to worship and catching a vision of what faith in Christ means. Participate. Christ and you have so much to share.
10- Worship is the place where faith grows. Here God’s love comes to us in word and sacrament, sins are forgiven, lives are restored, and friendships are formed. Our Savior’s worship Saturday at 5:30 and Sunday at 9:30 and “Live” Good news broadcast is in its 5th year and continues to grow. This is a very special and important ministry as each week over 1000 “viewers” of church members, neighbors, friends throughout America join in O.S. worship of God and hearing some good news on the Our Savior’s Facebook page. To God be the glory. P. Dave
11- At coffee hour on December 29th, we celebrated Florence Sabby’s 98th birthday. Come on, when the last time you and I could do that? Flo is a special woman. We love her. People are what matters most to God. Happy Birthday
O.S. Sanctuary furnace is kaput after 19 years of good service. “I guess we’ll need a bigger jug in the narthex.”
There is a story of a family who had to take out a bank loan/mortgage to purchase a farm. To make the payments the family lived simply and ate a lot of gruel, a thin, cooked cereal made from boiling grains like oats, cornmeal or rice in water or milk. It’s a type of porridge that’s more like a drink. They dreamt of the day when the loan was paid off and they could eat good meals again.
That day finally arrived; the loan was paid in full. But that night a neighbor’s barn caught on fire. They lost everything. The family was faced with a hard decision. They could continue to sacrifice and help their neighbor keep the farm. That would mean eating gruel for a period
of time. Or, they could keep the money and begin their new life? Dad said, “We’ll eat more gruel!”
If you attended worship or watched the good news broadcast on January 12, you know that after 19 years the O.S. sanctuary furnace/air conditioner is KAPUT (utterly finished, defeated, destroyed!). We called RMG who has provided O.S. heating and cooling service. They reported finding some serious problems. (See the picture.) There are major holes and rusted metal, the gas blowers had shifted, they don’t make them anymore, one of two condensers hasn’t worked for three years. Parts are obsolete for a 19-year-old furnace. He thought it was best to give thanks the furnace lasted this long providing heat and air conditioning. Better to invest the $8,000 repair in a new furnace that will provide years of reliable service, and a warranty. The estimated cost of a new furnace/air conditioner and installation, electric is between $39,000 to $42,000. This is urgent. There are fire prevention sprinkler pipes in the sanctuary that will burst if they freeze. Work should begin next week, on ~1/22 depending upon York’s delivery schedule. We will continue to monitor sanctuary temps and use fans to blow heat into the sanctuary from the narthex furnaces and use electric heaters. RMG told us to conserve heat keep the front doors closed and enter through “the catacombs” side door.
Faith believes that God never gives us more than we can handle and will provide a way through. The capital campaign to pay off the building mortgage in 2025 is going well with gifts and promise/pledges. (See next article) We will add the additional cost of the new furnace to the capital campaign. We ask that everyone pray and consider giving a generous gift or promise gift of $10,000, $5,000, $2,500, $1,000, $500, $100 or any amount you can afford to the capital campaign and designate it “furnace”.
People are generous about helping in times of need. Would you help O.S. get the word out that Our Savior’s Church in Sandwich, II. furnace is kaput! Would you please help us buy a new one? Thank you for sharing a gift of any amount.” We’ll post this on Our Savior’s Facebook page. Short of selling an indulgence granting days out of purgatory and making Luther turn over in his grave, I can’t think of another way. Sumu oranges are out. The sun will rise tomorrow. We can do this! A friend said, “I guess we’ll need a bigger jug in the narthex!” Thank you.
Our Savior’s Capital Campaign to help pay off the mortgage in 2025 and the new sanctuary furnace is on.
We are making great progress in our goal to pay off the remaining balance on our church building mortgage and now add paying for the new sanctuary furnace. In December we received gifts totaling $130,250 and promises are coming in each week. Thank you. That’s
amazing! We invite you to join us in giving a generous gift or making a gift promise/promise or memorial gift or making a charitable contribution to Our Savior’s of up to $105,000 from your 2025 RMD or a gift of any amount. Every dollar and gift brings us closer to our goal. Pray and watch for Our Savior’s Capital Campaign Letter in the mail.
A friend’s helpful reflections on coping with grief in the passing of her spouse.
Friends have a big way of shaping our lives and helping us deal with life’s ups and downs. A good friend recently wrote to tell us about her life, and the difficulty of her spouse passing.
I told had her that she had a mountain to climb. That grief was a difficult journey. She said that unless you have gone through it you can’t understand the depth of loneliness, emptiness and feelings of hopelessness. Hopeless because you can’t do anything about it. I’m not sure that I will ever reach the top of that mountain. Not sure if I want to as I don’t want to forget my loved one. Grief never ends. But you learn how to deal with it. And it gets somewhat easier, not as raw as the first couple of years, but it’s always there. He is always on my mind and in my heart. Tears are still always nearby. One day as I backed out of the driveway of our home- I said to myself- this is the loneliest place on earth. I miss seeing him in the yard; So hard to come home to an empty house. I escape the house every day, and go for a walk, sometimes at Walmart, Menards or in the summer the streets of our community. Home is also a comfort. More to come.
Paul says, “In everything God works for good with those who love him.” Romans 8:28. It is not that everything is good, but we can take comfort that God is good and is working for good in them and with us. Paul tells us or a thorn in the flesh. He calls it a messenger from Satan and prays to be rid of it. Yet he thanks God for revealing in it that “my grace is sufficient for you.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. This is our best comfort- that in everything, good and bad, God is working for good. He uses our sin to lead us to his mercy. Our illness brings us to trust his strength. Death will usher us into new life. But we do not thank God for sin, sickness or death. We thank God for God.
Comfort us now God with the assurance of your love and the creative possibilities of your might revealed in Jesus.
We want to thank you for your support of this ministry.
Offering envelopes for 2025 are in the narthex.
1- You can bring your tithes and offerings to worship or the church office.
2- Mail your offering to Our Savior’s, 2465 West Sandwich Road, Sd., Il, 60548
3- Give your offering electronically by going to the Our Savior’s Web page at www.our-saviors.com. Click on the donate button. Thank you for helping us to share God’s love with you and bring the joy and peace of his Kingdom to others
Dear Kids,
Do you know any songs that have the word LOVE in them? Write down a few:
Your mom or dad may know of a song by one of the first rock bands Beatles called “All You
Need Is Love.” (It’s an OLD song. Ask your parents if they are OLDER than that song.)
Jesus lived more than 1,900 years before that song was written. Here’s the really
interesting thing…Jesus basically said the same thing!
Come to Sunday school to find out what Jesus said in our rotational unit called:
“All You Need Is Love! The Two Great Commandments”
The dates for this unit are: January 19 – February 16 at 9:30 on Sunday morning. The workshops are: Art, Prayer Chain, Dance, Prayer, and Worship.
One of these workshops will be just like going to a RESTAURANT! You will get to order stuff off a menu.
See you Sunday!
Mission Project: Diapers Needed!
In our Mission workshop we heard the stories of the woman who touched Jesus and Jarius’ daughter. We saw that through Jesus’ miracles, God can change what seems unchangeable, giving new purpose and hope and learned that both the woman and Jarius put their faith into action and reached out to Jesus. In order to have a complete faith, faith needs to be put into action! The Sunday school children decided to put their faith into action by collecting disposable diapers for the those in need to be distributed by the Diaper Closet in Sandwich. Will you help us!? All sizes of disposable diapers are needed, especially sizes 4-7. There will be a box in the narthex for your donation. Thank you for making the mission project a success and helping families in need